Member Organisations

A total of 18 organisations from Karlsruhe have come together in colourful groups. Here you can find a list of the partner organisations (in alphabetical order):


Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) Karlsruhe

Bahnhofsmission Karlsruhe

Büro für Integration der Stadt Karlsruhe

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (DRK) Karlsruhe

Diakonisches Werk Karlsruhe

Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg

Evangelisches Dekanat Karlsruhe

Flüchtlingshilfe Karlsruhe e.V.

Freunde für Fremde e.V.

Freundeskreis Asyl Karlsruhe e.V.

Internationales Begegnungszentrum (ibz)

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

Mennonitisches Hilfswerk

Ökumenischer Migrationsdienst Caritas und Diakonie

Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe

Refugee and Migrant Ministries Karlsruhe

VSB Caritas und Diakonie



Arbeiterwohlfahrt Karlsruhe - VSB

The Procedural and Social Counseling (VSB) of the AWO Karlsruhe gGmbH is active in the LEA Felsstrasse and in Stephanienstrasse 52. In individual cases, it provides advice on social issues and procedural matters. In addition, it is responsible for the coordination of the volunteers in the LEA and supports the Schillerschule, which provides school lessons at the Felsschule (Felsstr.3). VSB staff also run language and integration courses for adult residents of the LEA and provide leisure activities for women, children and young people.

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Bahnhofsmission Karlsruhe

The Bahnhofsmission Karlsruhe is often either the first or the last place that the refugees get to know on their journey to Karlsruhe. The volunteers of the Bahnhofsmission help the arriving refugees to the LEA or other accommodation and help them to get on the right train when they leave Karlsruhe again. In 2016, around 12,000 refugees were cared for by the Bahnhofsmission, and they were often very happy to find people to look after them.

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Büro für Integration der Stadt Karlsruhe

The Office for Integration of the City of Karlsruhe is the central contact and advice point for immigrants as well as the coordination office for municipal integration policy. It promotes the political, social and economic equality of people of different origins regardless of gender, national and religious affiliation. In the area of work with refugees, the Office for Integration promotes projects within the framework of the Karlsruhe Refugee Fund

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Diakonisches Werk Karlsruhe

The Diakonisches Werk der Evangelischen Kirche in Karlsruhe provides help for people in special situations. With the staff unit for migration, the specialist advice centre for refugees, placement in employment and training and advice on the recognition of foreign professional qualifications, there is an entire department in the Diakonisches Werk that takes care of important issues of refugees.

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Flüchtlingshilfe Karlsruhe e.V.

Flüchtlingshilfe Karlsruhe was founded in the summer of 2014 and gathers under its umbrella representatives of organisations such as Amnesty International, the AWO, the IBZ, the AK Migration Advisory Board, the umbrella organisation of Muslim associations and the Bahnhofsmission, but also numerous individuals.
Since March 2017, Flüchtlingshilfe Karlsruhe has been a registered association and is recognised as a non-profit organisation.
Currently, it is responsible for the continuation, coordination and further development of Karlsruhe's refugee work: counselling, care, leisure activities and much more that supports refugees and enables them to participate in our society...more at

Logo der Flüchtlingshilfe Karlsruhe e.V.

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Freunde für Fremde e.V.

Volunteers of the association "Freunde für Fremde" want to support people who have come to Karlsruhe from outside Germany, whether to work, study or to seek refuge. In this way, the association wants to support and, if necessary, supplement the relief efforts of the municipality, the district and the administrative district. The services offered include advice, e.g. in legal matters, support in attending school, German courses.

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Freundeskreis Asyl Karlsruhe

The Friends of Asylum Karlsruhe e.V. (fka) is an independent, non-profit association which has been working for the rights of asylum seekers and immigrants since 1987. The concept of fka is based on a lived "togetherness at eye level" between locals and immigrants. The full-time and voluntary staff of fka see themselves as bridge builders between all those involved: immigrants, asylum seekers, authorities, institutions in the field of migration and civil society. fka strives for cooperation based on mutual goodwill and respect

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Internationales Begegnungszentrum (ibz)

Since 1995, the International Meeting Centre (ibz) has been working for a society based on solidarity, for the reduction of prejudice and against right-wing extremism. This is done through a wide range of intercultural and socio-political events, but also by promoting encounters in our projects. The ibz is also a central contact point for all questions concerning immigration.

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Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the research university in the Helmholtz Association, aligns its research fields with the long-term challenges of society in order to develop sustainable solutions for pressing future issues. With about 9.500 employees, including more than 6.000 in science and teaching, and over 25.000 students, KIT is one of the largest research and teaching institutions in Europe. KIT offers numerous services for the integration of refugees, for example programming courses, a job platform and a language tandem program of voluntary initiatives, regular advice and information on studies, training, and internships, a guest auditor program for linguistic and professional preparation for studies, and services for students and scientists with refugee backgrounds.

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Mennonitisches Hilfswerk

The Mennonite Relief Organization, based in the Human Rights Center in Karlsruhe, offers refugees advice and assistance, for example in finding accommodation and jobs: in writing letters of application, filling out applications or in the form of accompaniment to government offices. In addition, the Mennonite Relief Organization offers German courses without prior registration, visits to museums and clothing distribution, as well as - in cooperation with Freundeskreis Asyl Karlsruhe - cooking with refugees. More >>>

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Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe

The College of Education Karlsruhe (PH Karlsruhe) was founded in its present form in 1962; it currently has around 3.700 students and 180 academic staff. In addition to the study of teaching profession-related courses, it is possible to study "Childhood Education" and "Sports-Health-Leisure Education" in the Bachelor's programme, as well as the Master's programmes "Educational Science", "Cultural Mediation", "Biodiversity and Environmental Education" or "Intercultural Education, Migration and Multilingualism". Refugees who are interested in (guest) studies at the PH Karlsruhe can inform themselves about study opportunities at a weekly consultation hour for refugees. In addition, the PH Karlsruhe regularly offers ring seminars and lectures on migration-related topics, to which external persons are also cordially invited. More >>>

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Refugee & Migrant Ministries Karlsruhe

Refugee & Migrant Ministries Karlsruhe (RMK) is a local initiative of Protestant Free Churches and congregations of the Protestant Alliance in the work with refugees and migrants. RMK makes it its task to promote and network Christian refugee work in Karlsruhe, but is not itself operationally active. More >>

Logo von Refugee and Migrant Ministries Karlsruhe

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VSB - Verfahrens- und Sozialberatung für Flüchtlinge

We advise and accompany refugees who live in the first reception facility oder Landeserstaufnahmeeinrichtung (LEA) in Karlsruhe. Our counselling centres can be found in the LEA Felsstraße and LEA Sophienstraße. With Streetwork we are also "on the road" in the LEA Durlacher Allee. Whether preparing for a hearing or registering for school, financial difficulties or experience of violence - we offer refugees an open ear and competent advice. More >>>

Logos der Caritas und Diakonie